Disclaimer: I do not own nor do I ever claim to own Kameo: Elements Of Power or any of it's characters. I like to preserve the lore but to also add my own fun twists and turns to it (as well as play out some theories I have too!) this is done entirely for fun. Kameo: Elements Of Power ©Rare ltd ---------------------------- This is for fans of an xbox 360 game called Kameo: Elements Of Power. Until recently, it was put as the game being rushed (which it was) however there are some valuable pieces of lore here that not many fans know about. Ranging from the Manga, to the 8 episode podcast but more importantly from the journals written by both Kameo and Kalus that explain events leading up to the game. (also I am putting this here as this isn't told in the game properly but Kameo is canon to be 15 years old. In the manga she is 12. Kalus is 18 in the game but 15 in the manga.) However instead of doing a copy and paste (cause ya'll know how much I detest that) I decided to not only use every piece of lore, but to also put my own spin on it too :) I wrote this on fanfiction a while back, however I am thinking about updating it sometime in the future, as there's lore that goes back to before Solon's reign that would make an awesome story (or perhaps it should be separate?) either way, here is the start of Before The War: Kalus and Kameo's Journals. ----------------------------------------------- https://discord.gg/aUynYy7 Kameo: Elements Of Power ©Rare ltdAll Rights Reserved