11 parts Ongoing In the quaint, seemingly normal town of Ravenswood, shadows of secrets and magic lurk beneath the surface. Alexander Eldrin, a tall, blonde, and enigmatic seventeen-year-old, belongs to the town's most powerful mage family. Desperate to maintain the illusion of normalcy, Lex navigates the complexities of high school life while hiding his true identity from the non-magical townspeople.
Everything changes with the arrival of two newcomers. Isabella Turner, a sharp-witted brunette with a knack for uncovering secrets, moves into Ravenswood with her family. But it's the arrival of Sebastian, an eighteen-year-old self-taught mage with dark hair and a rebellious spirit, that truly disrupts Lex's world. Sebastian's confidence and curiosity stir something in Lex, drawing him into a complicated dance of rivalry and attraction.
As Isabella's investigations bring her closer to the truth and Sebastian's presence challenges the fragile peace of the town, Lex finds himself caught between his duties to his family and his growing bond with Sebastian. Unbeknownst to them all, ancient powers and hidden conspiracies threaten to unravel the fabric of Ravenswood.
As secrets are revealed and loyalties tested, they must confront the darkness within and around them. But when the truth finally comes to light, will their love be strong enough to withstand the flames of vengeance?