It began in 2021. I was only fourteen and they were taking in- what was known as at the time- The Savage Ones. People who found their animal. No, not a literal animal. It's basically themselves. They gain their strengths and weaknesses from their animals, and if they become strong enough, they can even transform into the animal. But, to survive that, you have to have enough control over your animal, otherwise it can completely take over and possibly kill friends and family depending on the type.
By gaining strengths and weaknesses of your animal, I meant, for example; If your animal was a cat, you would be given the strength of agility and stealth, but also the weakness of fear of water. You can only transform when you connect with your animal completely. It's painful the first time, but you are able to transform, no problem, when you have already. But, you don't have to completely transform. If you're a crow, you can grow large, black, feathery wings that are big enough to carry you through the air. You could grow a beak, or talons, or even just completely transform.