Centuries ago, a group of teenage boys called Team Crafted spent their days on Earth defeating enemies of power and strength with superhuman abilities never seen before. The leader, Adam Dahlberg, was said to be able to control the Earth itself, while his right hand man, Tyler Ellis, could raise the dead to fight besides him. Seto, the only sorcerer known to live on Earth, could, obviously, control magic, as their long range attacker, Mitchell Hughes, had perfect accuracy with any long range weapon. Jerome Aceti, the public face of the team, had heightened senses and he could run at incredible speeds. Jason Probst, the scout, could fly without the help of a device, while Quentin Juneau, the spy, could control water in any form and turn into the substance as well. Ian Stapleton, the mechanic, could create almost any device and he could operate any vehicle.
Nevertheless, the men died of old age, retiring from their lives as heroes. Their stories still known throughout the world in the year of 2019, Team Crafted is no longer able to protect the world from new enemies. Unfortunately for evil everywhere, that isn't going to stop them from trying.
It is said, that when the world is desperate, and there is no one to call upon who has been left alive, heroes of the past are called upon to fight. However, there's a twist. The heroes cannot return in their physical form. They must take the form of an invisible spirit that may only posses the person on Earth who acts the most like them if that person is to whisper their name. In this case, the people who can be possessed are named TBNRFish24, Lynn_Nat123, Andrea_Galaxy, Nini12121212, PotatoSquared_15, AGlitchNamedDanie, Hapyhappiness, and Meowki25.
My life has been thrown upside down, and now I'm questioning my entire existence. Who am I really? I can't live both lives, and their are people out their who would rather see me not live at all. Am I wolf? Something that I've been since birth? Or am I a human? So full of emotion and having a voice in the world?
How do I choose?
(Team Crafted)
Started writing: March 2017
Finished: February 2019