WARNING! This book contains topics such as Mental Health, self harm, drug use, and abuse. If you do not like this type of stuff, please do not read.
In the year 2018, Team Rainbow have been sent into the harsh snowy wilderness of Siberia, Russia to infiltrate a White Mask outpost. But the mission does a 180 as (Y/n) (L/n), more famously known as Rogue, is identified. But after capturing the hacker, the team realize that he's not the evil person they believed him to be.
December 23, 2020 a bio chemical agent was released into a crowded night club in the city of Los Angeles by an unknown group. Team Rainbows two CBRN specialists were sent to investigate only to find the same bio weapon that the White Masks were using. This confused the team as the White Masks had been wiped out unless they're back. After looking at security footage they managed to find a suspect. The only problem was the suspect was tracked getting a flight back to Iran. If Team Rainbow or the US government sent anyone to grab him things may get fishy. If any US troops or Rainbow operatives are seen it'll be seen as an act of war. In deep need of help they turned to a group of people who didn't have so many rules. The CIA SAD or Special Activities Division. A group of eight of them are chosen to help out. One of them being Y/N a former DEVGRU operator. Him and his team would stay at Hereford base for the duration they'd be helping out. While there a certain green haired operator catches his eye.