Finding the best talent for the organization that too at time of need is very difficult and if as a recruiter of you are operating on a shoestring budget, you must apply some clever hacks in order to recruit and retain top talent. Be it the big players or the new startups spending a fortune for hiring new employees does not make sense all the time. At the same time it also does not imply that a recruiter will have to settle with something very low. Instead by integrating the recruitment process with the six following tips below maximize your reach and hire talent for your company needs, without exceeding the budget. Enhance Online Presence In the age of digitalization, the internet can speak volumes about your organization. From the company’s website to official social media pages and blogs of employees, prospective candidates can have access to a lot of information about the company and its work culture before they even join the organization. Hence it is very important that as a recruiter you use the online presence your organization as an advantage in recruitment. However, you must make sure that your company’s online presence is telling the right story. Create an employer brand with the company’s website and social media presence by sharing amusing narrations, praising valued employees and communicating the values that are important to your organization. Using Recruitment Software in Hiring Hiring the right talent for the organization can be chaotic and time-consuming, but with the help of technological advancements the recruitment process can be easily streamlined. AI in recruitment technology can automate a major part of the process, analyzing a large volume of data in order to create a pool of potential recruits and categorize those who are best fit for the job. Always choose quality over quantity It is common practice to cast a hiring net as wide as possible while looking for new recruits, but this approach comes with numerous problems.All Rights Reserved