Extract: "when i was five i could kiss better than that" gabby says stretching her legs across my lap as she made a sour face at the scene from the movie. "yeah i remember" i chuckled fixing the phone that we were watching the movie from on the dashboard of my car "and i was your sensei. though i was always better" she taunted leaning back on my chest and i hummed in response. though the memories of her lessons when I was younger came to mind, i couldn't help but remember her text that i had received from her a few hours before. gabz : this guy ate lobsters and has been breathing in my face for the past hour :/. i'm in the bathroom. send help chief. and just like that, i was parked outside of the restaurant. now we were parked in front of the lake watching movies on my phone. "you know gab...you can't keep ditching dates like this" i sigh and she sits up and turns to look at me. her face is barely lit by the dim lights of my phone but i can still make out her pout and furrowed brows. "am i still the best though? " she says completely ignoring my statement and it takes a while for me to get on track with what she's referring to. here lightly colored eyes twinkle with mischief and i snort. "give it your best shot mendoza"All Rights Reserved