The Band Series #1 (Shrey Olivia Will)
People needed someone in their life who can change something in them, physically or emotionally.
Ainz, a business tycoon and ex-member of a band called KINGS, never experienced how to love someone. He always hated the idea of love ever since he saw his mom in a devastated state with her husband cheating on her. Then he saw a girl from their practice expo, he can't explain how he was feeling, watching the girl go rock the drums. He felt his chest go uneasy, it made a loud noise, and beat faster than ever.
What am I feeling right now? Is this the so called "Love"?
Shrey, a model and CEO of a clothing brand for women. She's a girl with a dark past. She always wanted to avenge her parents from those who killed them, but she cannot do so. She was diagnosed with PTSD when she was little after that tragedy that happened. She never felt love in her bones, as in love for a man. She did became curious after meeting a guy with a pair of pale charcoal eyes that will make you feel like your falling deep in it.
The two of them are waiting... Waiting for the one will come to their life.