This story tells the life of a well-trained DSP ranked senior police pup, Chase Derrain. After 1-2years of paw patrol days, a mission that lead to the death of their owners gave back memories to their own team as Chase found out that he should return back to his old days to figure out the death of his own owner, Ryder Herts, who died unexpectedly in a mission. However, as the truth reveals, the reality changed when his old Paw Patrol Team gathers back after a few months apart from one another to seek the truth for the whole Paw Patrol once again....
Genre: Fanfiction (Main Genre), Adventure (Main Genre 2), Survivor's Guilt, Crime, Mystery. (Dedicated to paw patrol fans, readers and followers. From the creators of Paw Patrol Fallout Isolation.)
Note 1: This book is a spinoff from my first book that was sold 1000+ copies back in my old days: Paw Patrol Fallout Isolation.
Note 2: This is not a sequel to Paw Patrol Fallout Isolation, however several elements are back to back encounters to this book. Enjoy.
One step leads to a deeper problem.
Once a Mission, always a Mission.
~est. 2019~2022 current
A terrible threat has escaped into Adventure Bay, threatening the very lives of its inhabitants. As the Paw Patrol struggles to maintain order, Chase finds himself clashing with the Assault and Containment Guild, a government team sent to lock down the town. When the threat begins to close in, the Paw Patrol is not just trapped within The Lookout, but forced to stare at true death in the eyes. One pup loses its sanity, another gains paranoia, one struggles to keep the team together, and one pup just may be carrying the threat itself. Will the Paw Patrol survive the lockdown? Or will they slowly be taken out, one by one?