Well, well, well.. What do we have here? Bad Girl you ask? Hmm.. Meet Joanna Pierce ladies and gentlemen. She's a tough bitch with the baddest attitude. "I don't give a shit," are literally the most spoken words in her vocabulary. But why you ask? Well she's just one of those girls who.. Well.. Doesn't give a shit. "Why waste your time listening to other peoples bullshit when you can be drinking cheap booze at the rowdiest of parties?" Sorry to break it to you hun, but some people have lives outside of raves. One of those people is.. Lets just call him curly. Cute eh? Mr. Curlster is the equivalent of the good girl bad boys go for.. Just with a penis. That sounds funny but trust me he's a dude. Truuuuuuust me! Oh the fun she will have with that boy.. I'm really not in the mood to say some cheesy shit like "They're complete opposites.. There will come hardships.. Will their relationship last? Or will it crumble?" Or something along those lines but seriously. Shit gets seeeriouuus! Hehehe..All Rights Reserved