Earlier than they can both remember, Hassie and Luke had been comfortable as best friends. But a few misread signals later, Hassie summons up enough bravery to confess that she likes him.
Things turn topsy-turvy when not long after, she was introduced to his new girlfriend (who also turns out to be her greatest nemesis), Jasmine.
When the new bad boy in town, Stephen, enters the scene, he turns her world upside-down. Unadmittedly smitten, everyday is a sparring of
wit and insult between the two. It is not too long that everyone can see sparks fly between Ms.Good Girl and Mr. Troublemaker.
But will it be soon enough until the quiet beauty and the Cassanova catch up with their feelings? Can love change Stephen, or will he remain to be the handsome heartbreaker who will break Hassie's heart?Todos los derechos reservados