I'm not a mermaid anymore. My names violate and there's been a lot of wars lately and it's distorting the sea. Ever since someone came to our city, he has been making trouble. So, we told him to stop killing our people but he suggested war and my dad agreed. Now the sound of bombs are my lulliby. I had enough and went in the shore. It was the only way to escape from my deadly city. I passed out on a city called San Francisco. I woke up by so many people looking at me. When I woke up I was naked. that's what surprised everyone. I had orange hair with blue eyes and pink lips. One man grabbed my arm and dragged me all the way to his house. he said that his name was Zach and gave me a long top with a rainbow surf bord on the middle. I didn't know how to speak so I said " no." I said no every time someone said something to me because I couldn't speak there language.I have a lot more things in this book and you need see it.
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