Привет. Меня зовут Десир. Мне 19 и я живу с моими мамой, папой и младшим братом. Прямо сейчас, мы можем выглядеть так нормальная семья, но так было не всегда.
Моя судьбы была закрытой для окружающих, странной, сбивающей с толку.
Давайте я расскажу вам историю моей запутанной судьбы...
Hello. My name is Desire. I'm 19 and living with my mom, dad and little brother. Right now, we may look like a normal family, but it wasn't always that way.
My fate used to be closed for everyone, strange, confusing.
Let me tell you a story of my tangled fate...
Reborn in the Naruto world, Shin Uzumaki finds himself in the doomed Land of Whirlpools. As a member of the Uzumaki Clan! Trapped in a world filled with war, betrayal, and unimaginable power, Shin's survival seems impossible.. Until it isn't!!
[Ding! Replication System Activated!]
[Daily Login Reward: Common Replication Card.]
[Newbie Gift: Perfect Sage Body-Adamantine Sealing Chains-Four Symbols Seal]
With the power to Copy any Ability-whether it's the Kekkei Genkai or Rinnegan or Forbidden jutsu-Shin begins his journey to dominate the Ninja World.
[First task: Save Kushina and prevent the destruction of the Uzumaki Clan.]