Bahja has 3 personality disorders causing her to behave different then others. ''Let me tell you a little bit about my personality disorders.'' Bahja said. -Antisocial personality disorder A person with an antisocial personality disorder sees other people as vulnerable and may intimidate or bully others without remorse. They lack concern about consequences their actions may have. Symptoms include: •lack of concern, regret or remorse about other people's distress •irresponsibility and disregard for normal social behaviour •difficulty in sustaining long-term relationships •little ability to tolerate frustration and to control their anger •lack of guilt, or not learning from their mistakes •blaming others for problems in their lives -Narcissistic personality disorder A person with a narcissistic personality disorder swings between seeing themselves as special and fearing they are worthless. They may act as if they have an inflated sense of their own importance and show an intense need for other people to look up to them. Other symptoms include: •exaggerating their own achievements and abilities •thinking they are entitled to be treated better than other people •exploiting other people for their own personal gain •lacking empathy for other people's weaknesses •looking down on people they feel are ‘beneath’ them, while feeling deeply envious of people they see as being ‘above’ them -Borderline personality disorder A person with a borderline personality disorder is emotionally unstable, has impulses to self-harm and has very intense and unstable relationships with others. copʏrɪɢнт: ©thatmindlessteenxoAll Rights Reserved