Theobolt Lorre is known as the Pirate Thief on the two continents of Delos and Orissa. After returning home to Marresh, Theo receives information of a magical map and his father's hidden journal leading towards finding the legendary Elven stelae. Theo and his crew leave Orissa for the mysterious Poly-Islands to find the magical Elven stelae supposedly hidden on the island of Therian. While there Theo undergoes a mental and emotional quest that will change his life permanently. Theo must push himself beyond his comfort zone in order to discover his connection to the islands as well as the stelae. However, rather than leaving with the stelae, Theo returns to his home in Orissa with more questions than answers and a statue that looks like one of the Elven Sisters. Meanwhile, the two continents begin to boil over with political and magical tension leading to Theo becoming a more important pawn to the conclusion of the wars than he ever wanted to be.