Neo City' is a semi-alternate universe featuring the hyungs of NCT 127 in a collection of one shot stories.
[Taeil, Johnny, Taeyong, Yuta, Doyoung, Jaehyun*]
Each story is interconnected, as they all know each other. It's never stated that they're all singers within the same group, but I do pull from their entertainment abilities as inspiration for their characters and plot points.
Q: Jaehyun* is considered to be in the maknae line.
A: I'm aware, but I want to write a story for him, so he is included here.
Q: NCT 127 has 10 members. Will you be writing for the other members?
A: No. Given the age range, I only feel comfortable writing up to Jaehyun. While I dearly love all of the younger members (OT21), I do not feel comfortable writing for them, as most of my material tends to be explicit in nature.
Q: Will each reader insert be a POC (BW)?
A: Short answer: yes. As a fellow reader, it's difficult (almost impossible) to find fics with an MC/female insert who looks like me. So I write in hopes to fill that void. I've gotten lots of feedback from several minority readers who appreciate finding stories with women of color. I certainly don't know if any of the members are attracted to women outside of their race, but these are my stories, my universe, and I say they live for us. You can certainly still enjoy reading, even if you're not a POC/BW.
Q: How soon will the next story be posted?
A: I don't have a definitive timeline for rolling updates. I'll be writing other fics in between each one, so please be patient.