International superstar Demi Lovato had entered a rehab facility for emotional and physical issues. Self-injury, an eating disorder, depression, drug and alcohol addiction. You've heard it all before, that's all the media was talking about for the passed three to four years. You've heard from the singer herself that she was in the road to recovery, but how are you so sure that she's telling the truth? What if she never had actually stopped hurting herself, and still continues up to this day? What if the eating disorder is still there and food is still her worst enemy? What if the weight gain was all an act to get everyone to shut up? What if depression is still destroying her each and every thought? What if the girl still drinks her problems away instead of dealing with them the right way? You've never thought about it that way, have you?
Teen aged girl Abbi James can notice the littlest things in people. And what happens when she notices that the Demi on camera wasn't the same Demi she knew? Abbi's on a quest to find out the truth about the singer. She's going to take a long and stressful time to find out everything. What happens when Abbi starts to help Demi? Is the story about her recovery actually true? Or is she just lying? Abbi's determined to find out the truth. The ugly truth.