In a world inhabited by people, monsters walk among us. This is especially true for the nation of Japan, more specifically in the city of Tokyo. Monsters are so common there, that they even hold underground wrestling tournements for them to claim the esteemed title "King of Monsters!".
Who is the current King? Non other than third year high school student, Godzilla. But, this isn't about him. Instead, it's about his Queen, Mothra. A kind and caring girlfriend in the daylight, she stays ever loyal to her beloved King. However, this monarch holds a secret. Once the sun sets and the wrestling arena is open, she dons a moth-like persona that's a force to be reconed with.
When Godzilla's sister, Zilla, tips him off to this, he is worried for her safety but continues to let her fight. His concern for her only grows until it comes to a head when Mothra gets into a fight with her rival,
Rohdan, and manages to get hurt. When Godzilla finds out, he forbids her from fighting ever again.
But, when Godzilla is pit against his rival, Ghidorah, he knows he can't win without help. So, its up to Mothra to step in. Will she win? Or will Godzilla's worst fears be realized?
"You're different from what I expected," she said softly.
"How so?" he asked, glancing at her.
"I don't know," she replied, searching for the right words. "You just... have this way of making people feel like they matter. Even here, in this... nightmare."
He was quiet for a moment before responding. "You matter, Y/n. Don't forget that."
Y/n wakes up in the deadly Squid Game, surrounded by strangers and fighting to survive. What she doesn't know is that the mysterious Frontman is watching her every move through the cameras- and she's caught his attention.