20 parts Ongoing It's been 12 years since Sarah has defeated the Labyrinth and returned to her world. Tragedy struck her 10 years after coming home from the labyrinth, causing her to now rely on her family and friends more then ever. Now part-time teaching Drama at Toby's high school while publishing her own stories. She helps the school and Toby put on A Midsummer's Night Dream play, as secrets of her past are revealed. The truth of her families connection to The Faerie World and her destiny are revealed. As she and her family are pulled into The Labyrinth once again, can her courage and wit that helped her beat the Labyrinth the first time help her again from the consuming darkness that encroaches on The Goblin Kingdom? Will she find the truth about her past? Will she accept the heart of The Goblin King that never stopped seeking for her heart?
There is no book for Sarah to follow this time, this time she must forge her own path. Through the Faerie World where secrets abound.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from The Labyrinth, all rights go to the brilliant people who brought The Labyrinth to life. The plot though does belong to me.