When people hear 'Maya Stark' everyone would think about the perfect, smart. good looking, rich, student body president of Midtown High. Nobody but her childhood friend Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man and her new team of heroes.
Ava, Sam, Danny, and Luke AKA white tiger, Nova, Iron fist, and Power Man knows about her secret of being Queen's very own Mistress, soon to be ULTIMATE Mistress
Read on to watch Maya grow, learn what love truly is, and experience things she never thought she could ever.
When spider-man gets turned into a werewolf, he learns that there's a lot more to the curse than meets the eye. So when Peter discovers that a certain feline hero is his soul mate, he'll have to protect her from more than just typical baddies and villains. He'll fight demons, witches, vampires, and other werewolves to protect her. But can he keep it a secret from her?