Error is the demon king of high school. He owns the school, his mother being the dean. Every girl wants to date him, and every boy wants to be him. He's a jock who can get nearly anything he wants and he knows it. He does what he wants and when he wants it and doesn't get in trouble for it, ever.
Ink, on the other hand, is a nerd. He doesn't have much, but he does get good grades. No one likes him aside from his three friends, Blueberry, Dream, and Ayana. The bad thing is that the two are very popular and Ayana hides in a classroom the teachers allow her to use for the info club most of her days, so they don't hang out much. He wishes he was more popular. He's a short nerd who gets bullies and is forced to do his bullies' work.
What happens when someone falls in love with a person from the wrong crowd? Will they fall in love, or will Error's bullying Ink ruin everything? Find out what the demon king of high-school hell will do.