CHRYS AND HOLLY SAMPSON ARE TWO PEAS IN A POD. You would never see one without the other--they were just that close.
Chrys was just two years older than Holly, close friends and even closer sisters. Ever since their mother died, Chrys has always felt as if she had to be an idol for her little sister, a mentor and an ally. She loves her sister more than she loves herself, always protecting her from harm. BUT HOW FAR WOULD SHE GO TO PROTECT HER SISTER?
Holly has always felt inferior to her older sister, Chrys. While both are talented and are capable of different things, Holly always felt strangely out of place. She loved her sister dearly despite her feelings, but sometimes Chrys's overprotectiveness annoyed her. Especially at school, where every single day felt the same, each moment feeling repeated in the same sickening pattern. BUT WHAT IF THE NEXT DAY COULD'VE BEEN YOUR LAST?
On one fateful day, their lives change forever.
A shooter enters their school, Chrys's ex. It was lunchtime, but it would be the end of many students, including one of the Sampson girls.
One sister tries to stand up for the lives of many, while the other risks her own life for the life of one.
One sister loses her life, while the other loses her happiness.
Their bond was forged by blood, but it was made stronger by love.
(image credits to Google Images and the original owners)