i've been listening to Jahseh since 2017. i've heard "17" and it was so peaceful. it was Jocelyn Flores. it was on Spotify. i took my phone,saw "XXXTENTACION",and i was like "this nigga talented,why i never heard of him before?" i looked forward more to his hype music (#IMSIPPINGTEAINYOHOOD,yUnG bRaTz etc.). when he died,i felt like i lost a brother. i never got to meet him,of course,but still,i felt like i was getting therapy when i was listening to his music. i've replayed "17" 39 times by now. i've never ever found an artist like him after...
now that it's almoust 18th June i was thinking about remembering him. because why not? he never died actually. nobody forgot about him.
fuck all you haters,nobody deserves to die,and if i see one hate comment i'm pulling up. keep his name out of your mouth.
don't call me a "fAkE fAn",i knew about him before he died.