In a world filled with mystical creatures called Taeo, or Taeomon, one boy aims to be the very best Taeo Fighter there ever was. Meet Kryo Valt, a 13 year old who's only wish is to become the world's best Taeo Fighter! Unfortunately, he doesn't have a Taeomon and most people don't use their Taeomon to fight, so there aren't that many Taeo Fighters out there. That doesn't deter him, though, as he sneaks out one day into the forest his father forbade him from entering only to find a Taeomon being beaten up by other Taeomon and rescued it, nursing back to health. The two quickly form a bond and become quick friends, saving Kryo's village from a wild Taeomon attack and thus earning his father's permission to travel the world! With Matt Syrinn, his best friend whom refused to leave Kryo alone, and his newly befriended Taeomon, Kryo set out to show the world what he's really made of, and maybe even saving it along the way!All Rights Reserved
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