Kankri Vantas' mother and father were killed in front of him and his older brother. After this happened the people that killed his parents took him and his brother in as new members of their gang and raise the kids. Karkat [older bro in dis one because I like younger Kankriiii] tries to make a better life and succeds in school getting into a college that pays for him to go their in turn he does soccer for the school. Karkat motivates his little brother Kankri to do something with his life other than the gang, but Kankri doesnt listen and fails out of highschool his senior year. Its been four years since then and Kankri and Karkat dont talk anymore. Kankri is still part of the gang and tries to help out but is horrid at the jobs so his police record is quite big. Kankri is sent on a really important job and of course messes it up and the police come and haul him into the station. Dualscar Ampora just got transfered over to a new station after his wife died. He couldnt handle the loss so he moved to a new house and completly new town and works for a diffrent police station in a diffrent district too. Dual has two sons that live only a few minutes from where he moved to, so that is one of the reasons he moved, actually it is the only reason he moved down there. Duals first job was to haul in a kid who had set a fire and was caught because he accidnetly burnt himself then called the police station for help. Dual also was in a meeting deciding where the kid would go and he didnt really pay any attention, so it suprised the ampora when he got assigned to take care of the kid. The only thing Dual knew about having the kid at his house was the only reason the station didnt send him to actual jail for setting a building on fire was because of his past and his medical record with all of his mental dissabilites that sometimes hindered his ability to think straight and clear. I REVISED THIS A SHIT TON BECAUSE I WAS 700 CHARACTERS OVERRR//All Rights Reserved