Chloe Smith, a 16-year-old foster child meets a group of 'friends' who dare Chloe to do graffiti on the school walls. Chloe being a troublesome kid agrees to this and even enjoys it. When Chloe's 'friends' hear police sirens they ditch Chloe leaving her to get caught. The police take Chloe to the station and call her parents to come pick her up and pay to bail her out. Once Chloe's parents come and bail her out they drive home in silence. Chloe walks into her house already knowing what is about to happen next. Her parents come in and tell her to go downstairs to the basement for a beating. Once the beating is done the abusive parents tell Chloe that they don't want her anymore and they are sending her back to the foster system. Chloe has finally accepted that she will never find the perfect family and will always bounce house to house. She tries to commit suicide but something stops her from doing so. What happens when that 'Something' takes her away to a new world called Neverland. Read to find out =b.