0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21...
These are the beginning numbers of a sequence known as Fibonacci. For those of you who are unfamiliar, this sequence begins with zero, followed by one, and then the last two numbers of the sequence are added to make the next. Zero plus one is one, plus one is two, plus one is three, plus two is five, plus three is eight. You get the idea, I hope.
In Fibonacci poems, each line goes up in syllables by Fibonacci numbers, and then comes back down again (at least in my interpretation). So the first line has an ellipsis to symbolize zero, then one syllable, then one, two, three, et cetera.
My name is Ray, and these poems all belong to me. Do not use them without my permission, and if I give permission then please give credit.
This book is updated on Mondays.