In a world apart from the Fire Emblem's main series, there is a realm where a Continent, named Midori, and it's three kingdoms, Xupis, Amare, and Fólkvangr, lived in harmony. Xupis, a battle hardened Kingdom with an heir to its throne, as the King got more corrupted overtime. Amare, a kingdom filled with love and happiness, but the Queen is beginning to hold a grudge between the King of Xupis. And Fólkvangr, a beautiful kingdom with many habitants that come from far and wide. All lived in harmony until one day..war broke out between Xupis and Amare.. The events that unravel, will forever change the face of the Continent of Midori..
Author: 咸鱼本渔
Story of: With space at sixty
(Era + Space + Farming + CP + Double Cleanliness) Tang Yue was lucky enough to have a space where she could farm and raise plants. After knowing that she wanted to travel through time, she stocked up on supplies, giving her the capital to survive and becoming a martyr through time travel. An orphan girl with countless wealth, let's see how Tang Yue survives in the 1960s.