"Primitive Scent" is part of a series of related stories that I spent about four years writing. They are all set in the same unnamed Midwestern village, and nearly all are in the 1950s. They have reoccurring characters, themes, images, and specific locations -- but each is unique in terms of narrative style and/or structure. "Primitive Scent" was the second story written in the series but the first to appear in print, in the Tulane Review. The collection of stories is titled Crowsong for the Stricken, and will be out in 2016 from Twelve Winters Press. (Please note that my novelette Figures in Blue has a significant connection to lesbianism; however, the novelette is not available on Wattpaid. The digital edition is available from Battered Suitcase Press, and the print edition is from Twelve Winters Press.)