“Thorin’s Hope: A Love Story” (PG-13)
An Original Fan Fiction Adaptation of the characters from the JRR Tolkien’s, “The Hobbit”
by Gratiana Lovelace (all rights reserved; no copyright infringement intended)
[(1ab) Story Cover Logo]
Author’s Note, 8/13/12:
I am now posting a slightly longer fan fiction tale of mine for my new readers on Wattpad--30 pages (9 chapters) --but it is still a short story, "Thorin's Hope: A Love Story".
My story is inspired by "The Hobbit"--adapting some characters and the general plot of a quest taking the men away from the village. But that is where the resemblance ends. I am the first to admit I'm more of an Edith Wharton fan, rather than a JRR Tolkien fan. So, this story takes a different path--or "Unexpected Journey" to make a pun on the first film due out in 2012--and focuses on a new character I created, Thorin's wife Umay (pronounced Ooh-My).
I welcome your thoughts about my story. Though “Thorin’s Hope” was not among the first stories I have written, it was among the first stories that I shared on my blog “Something About Love” (www.gratianads90.wordpress.com) in Fall 2011.
"Thorin's Hope" is one of my love stories that might be considered mostly PG 13--since I usually write more sensually loving stories/scenes. But, since Thorin is away, the steamy R rated lovemaking scenes will have to wait until "I" bring Thorin home. Ha! So, keeping reading to the end. *wink*
Cheers! Gratiana Lovelace
P.S. The Titian painting Vanity (circa 1515) is the backdrop for the “Thorin’s Hope” story cover. For more information about Titian’s painting visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanity_(Titian). And the cropped and sepia toned Thorin portrait of Richard Armitage is from the Hobbit Vlog #4, pix 29 and was found at www.RichardArmitageNet.com