One-Shots of the Amazon Prime show and the book 'Good Omens' by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. Hope you like it! ::SUMMARIES:: ~~ A = Angst F = Fluff ? = Both and/or unknown ~~ • There Is No Our Side (A) - Crowley is overthinking after a fight he and Azi had. • First Time For Everything (F) - Crowley and Azi gets drunk and a secret comes spilling out. • My Sick Demon (F) - Crowley gets sick for the first time, Azi takes it upon himself to care for the demon. • Slurpee For All and All For Slurpee (F) - Azi is shocked after hearing Crowley has never had a Slurpee, so he takes him for one. Things get a little frisky. • What Did The Plants Do? (F) - Crowley gets caught yelling at his plants, Azi teases him about it. • You Mean That? (?) - Crowley has a nightmare, Azi helps him afterwards and Crowley sort-of confesses. • It's Raining, It's Pouring~ (F) - Crowley and Azi walk home in the rain, Crowley decides to slow dance with Azi. • You Can Think?? (?) - Beelzebub gets accidentally summoned by Gabriel and the two have tea. • Fireflies (?) - Azi gets mad at Crowley, so Crowley goes to Tadfield on a whim where Adam gives him advice. Crowley goes back to talk to Azi. • I Forgive You (A) - Crowley and Azi go for a picnic, and Crowley does something that causes Azi to freak out on him. Crowley ends up spilling his bottled up feelings. • Your Wings Are Beautiful (?) - Crowley mentions his self-deprecation and Azi doesn't like it. • Comes With Being A Snake (F) - Azi gets worried about Crowley. • What Might've Been (?) - Azi and Crowley get punished by their superiors. :)All Rights Reserved