You burried away your guilty past Without an ounce of sorrow... What you didn't know that, That you were today... Planting your sinful seeds for tomorrow. -Bhairavgad Your past is like your shadow, you carry it with you. Sometimes to start afresh in our life, we try to cut off all the ties from our past. We change towns, we change our lifestyle and sometimes even our entire identity. But we often forget that our past is an inseparable part of our existence. The changes that you adapt today, are often triggered by incidents of our past. But thinking that we can wipe away all the traces of our past is foolishness. It remains; and it remains forever. The faster you run away from your past, the faster it chases you. The questions that were not asked in the past, will be answered today. Bhairavgad welcomes you with open arms to witness the twisted tales of mystery, romance, adventure, friendship and lot more. Let the journey begin...