Hi, my name is Jenna (or Jen). I don't have that much of a life but I do love to read! However, buying multiple books from the store can become very costly so I would love the opportunity to read new books in the wonderful community of Wattpad! In other words, I am open to reading request!
I'm going to be completely honest, I am not a well-known writer here on Wattpad but I do occasionally write and like mentioned before I do love reading. I promise to give you honest and helpful feedback on the stories you submit. Keeping this in mind, even though I try to share my feedback with the most kindness possible, you may still not like what I have to say. If that is the case, you are under no obligation to listen to me. If you don't agree with something I have said I won't be offended. At the end of the day, you gotta do what feels right for you.
Some More Information:
- The books I do review will be added to a list as an attempt to get its name out there. If you would rather me not add your story to this list please let me know.
- There is no payment whatsoever (I'm just doing this to help other writers)
- I do follow back
- There will be a form and other information in the parts below