Then what was it his cat blueberry ,blueberry meowed ,walked towards him ,and rubbed his head on his legs Robert said to himself "why am I so paranoid there's nothing to worry about" then he made himself breakfast steak, eggs, beans, and avocado toast. He put his food on the table and began to eat. when he was done eating he put his plates in the sink and watched TV while he was watching TV there was a commercial the commercial was a shampoo commercial, then he thought "I need to go shopping "and he headed to Walmart. while he was at Walmart he got shampoo ,conditioner, soap ,a razor, shaving cream ,and a steak for dinner that day he thought he needed protein but no he was just getting fat.On his way back home he saw that tall white figure again so he rubbed his eyes and it was gone he could feel his heart coming out of his chest and he was breathing heavy. he grabbed his bags from out of the trunk and ran inside his house.He thought he was going crazy. he kept thinking what could that tall white figure be so he thought I will go get sage.So he headed towards the mall and went In to Spencer's and got sage the sage was 13.00 dollars.He got it and left the mall and headed to his house.on the way there he saw that tall white figure again!And he began to feel paranoid.So he ran inside,got his sage and ran inside.He opened it right away and lit it and began to use it,Then he began to feel dizzy and he feel to the ground.Later he opened his eyes and what was it!-