'I am he who must bring the death of the other, my blood will quench the last ray of hope and my life force, dark it is, shall reign in place of balance. I am what will continue to be, for my life is yours for the taking and my will, immeasurable to what is required of me, but before I grace the altar, I present my innermost desires, for my lips cannot speak but mother nature hears,' he paused as he fell to his knees.
'It is done,' he proclaimed and at that moment, Ezrael reverted to his true form of a god, towering high in the throne room.
'Corvus occulum corvi non eruit,' Ezrael pronounced, dragging his soul out of the messenger, by means of his eternal flame, leaving nothing behind to decay.
'A sacrifice well laid, a sacrifice well received. The bounty has been proclaimed, and the horde of death shall rise until the last hope as we all know is vanquished and the flame of hope reverted to dance in the dark,' he proclaimed in a loud voice.
'Felix culpa, I pray the end may be, for ex nihilo nihil fit,' he shouted, as he turned, advancing towards his throne.
'When the red moon dances with the green moon,' he continued, 'we shall ride to fulfill the voice of nothing, vox nihili.'
'Vox nihili.'
'Vox nihili.'
'Vox nihili.'
The wraiths shouted in a voice of death as limbo was once again revived to life.
'Vox nihili,' said he who sat.
Cover by: @wild_and_deadly
Character banners by: @Alphagurl24
"Dressed in bronze chainmail armour like a snake's skin, a heavy silver, poison dipped arrow in his hand, a bow on the other, and face blocked off by his helmet, the knight stood his ground on top of the mountain's cliff as the dragon swooped down at him. On and on they went, shooting arrows and fire at each other, until the man was down to his last arrow.
The evil, obsidian beast and its radiant blue flames had taken everything from him. And now he would do the same.
But as he placed his last arrow on his bow, the dragon came down at him with his sharp, charcoal black talons and slashed at the knight. The beast tore through his armour and body, pushing him back with the powerful beating if his wings.
As the young knight tumbled downhill, a strange beauty came running into the clearing at the bottom of the beast's layer.
His helmet slipped off his head and revealed a bloody, bruised face. A familiar face.
And it was only then, I realized the knight was me, and woke up with gasp."
Find out what happens in Alex Beck's story, The Blood of the Beast.
Start: 20/06/16
Finish: 29/04/17
Editing and writing.