Hi my name (y/n) (l/n) i love anime and manga beacuse of that i have no friends in school but it's not bother me . Im very very love anime love HUNTER X HUNTER that my first anime i watch it's so beautiful . My love killua and kurapika i wish the author of Hunter x Hunter is update more chapter in want to see what is going in the dark continent . But one day i faint in the school and have coma for 1month when i wake i see my Mother and brother are crying and my dad have a sad face . My mother said to me that i have a cancer stage 4 and i have 3 days to live. i said "mom your not joking right" it said but my mom said that is true so i decision im going to watch my favorite anime before i left in this world . The day has come im in the last episode and my tears flowing in my face . I hug my tablet in my last breath but it feeling something wrong. let see what's going to (y/n) is she going to be REINCARNATED in her favorite anime? *Caution : im not the owner of the Characters and Name of anime series it's from the right ful owner*All Rights Reserved