It was that one after noon that changed every thing,the day that I was born. I was just days old and I felt a strong surge of power wash over me. Slough I was a baby I felt it this did not usually happen until you was a year old and on,y happened to the most power full assassins to be I must be one of them. I felt the responsibility That laid on my shoulders. I felt that I needed to protect every one I loved. I FELT LIKE AN ASSASSIN, as soon as those words were thought something star angle happens something strange happens something that even I could not describe. I just became a fully grown man. I became ezio. Welcome a man said that I thought to be my father. This must be strange for you I understand that u have a right to be confused. The reason you have changed into a fully grown man is because you have assassin blood in you,it's what happened to me.All Rights Reserved