Drama haunts the tunnels beneath Clear Lake Academy. Her eyes can see through floors, or walls for that matter, and she Marks all those who get too close. The school day shows that the Marked become shunned by everyone they thought was an ally, but the Marked don't know why. But then, when the sun descends towards the school's rooftop, the monster's havoc becomes apparent. When Drama Marks her prey, they actually never leave the school. Everyone else sees them do so, but they don't. Not really. They decease. The schoolgrounds are a graveyard, and the Marked occupy them.
Can our Hero brave the underground tunnels and save her classmate from the dreadful clutches of the Mark? Can she thwart Drama and send the monster away for good?
The letter presented by the name of the story you're about to read happens to be the 5th most frequently used letter of our language here. The only letters of that type are to be found throughout the name of the story. The story was typed up by me for a challenge my 8th grade teacher proposed: create a page-long story that abandons the forsaken letter. (The page lengthened for me.) Thus, sentences may be worded strangely, and you may have to reread a few of them before you understand them. There may be a few occurrences when cheats are made. (For example, when "5th" was typed.) Sorry about that. We'll just have to plow through, won't we?