26 parts Complete In the mystical realm where fairies, demons, and creatures of legend coexist, Alara, a young fairy with the power to control water, stands at a crossroads of fate.
At sixteen, Alara enrolls in the prestigious Academy of Mystical Arts and Sciences, where she encounters an eclectic mix of creatures, including dwarves, vampires, werewolves, witches, and even the offspring of gods. Despite her diminutive stature in fairy form, Alara navigates the school's corridors with quiet determination in her human guise.
In her first year, Alara rooms with Carmy, a friendly vampire girl. Together, they explore the mysteries and rumors that swirl around their classmates, including Blake, a powerful demon whose lineage strikes fear in the hearts of many. Despite his handsome appearance, Alara remains wary of Blake, knowing the danger of forming attachments with someone from such a formidable background.
Yet, fate has other plans. As Alara and Blake confront obstacles together, they find themselves drawn to each other in unexpected ways. Despite their differences, their bond strengthens with each challenge they overcome, much to the dismay of their influential families