" Hey my name is Nthochi... but you can call me Nana. I'm a health Psychologist or atleast I was three weeks ago... I was depressed and unhappy with myself and nothing was going right ... I'm 32 ....unmarried...jobless and currently living with my parents on their farm ... it doesn't sound that bad because you don't understand what it's like to be part of a culture that dictates whom and what a woman should be . The whole of Africa has an obsession, an obsession that women should be locked up in kitchens and should have children for their husbands. That women should be seen and not heard ... but if I'm going to carry nations in my womb , isn't it only fair that I have a voice ? .." , I sit down and pin drop silence. Did I just make a fool of myself ? Atlas starts to clap and soon everyone joins him . Atlas my hero .