In the future, the Department of Soulmates and Timers gives everyone a timer on their right hand counting down to when that specific person will meet their soulmate. This solves all romantical problems, divorces, fights, and breakups. The world is a happier place. Up until Castiel Milton meets his soulmate. This is a story about love, drama, and finding the best in a person you never thought you would.
This piece of work deals heavily with rape, its effects physically, mentally, and emotionally on its victim(s), and the aftermath of it. Although it does not have a literally have a full out rape scene, it has scenes /right/ before and after, so while technically it doesn't, you could say that it does.
It also deals with alcoholism and alcohol abuse, along with drug use, marijuana to be exact, and psychological addiction to it.
This story is about Cas losing his memory after getting almost killed and Dean being accused of it. Dean walked into the scene. He went to Cas. He was still awake at the time but he blacked out slowly after. The cops came in a little after. They accused him of doing it. He went to jail for 3 years. Cas doesn't remember anything. He doesn't know who Dean is. Gabriel didn't want him to know anything. Because they think Dean did it and that he just tricked Cas because he is gay. The story goes in after he has been in jail.
Its also Sabriel in the story. It says when it starts if you dont wanna read it or thats what you want to read:)
Hope you guys like itπ