"The Wolfman is a 2010 American horror film directed by Joe Johnston and starring Benicio del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt, Hugo Weaving, and Geraldine Chaplin. Written by Andrew Kevin Walker and David Self, the film is a remake of the 1941 film of the same name"
This is only a fanfiction
Don't like it? Don't read it
The Wolfman is credited to/owned by
Director: Joe Johnston
Writer(s): Andrew Kevin Walker and David Self
RWBY is credited to/owned by
Director: Monty Oum
Rooster Teeth
Other shenanigans are mine
[WARNING: May contain blood, gore, strong language, tears from the bad writing, and other]
and please if you didn't heed my warning and you're upset about the story then don't blame it on me, or do whatever, I don't care [some people already hate me enough to make me care less about their bullcrap. so just sit back, grab an apple juice, and read this or other stories, don't care. just smile]
One day, a curse befell Sensei.
To the students, Sensei became the enemy, and he found himself in a position where he lost everything overnight.
But Sensei does not resent the students. Because he is 'Sensei'.
And Sensei has to face the calamity that would befall Kivotos once again.
[블루 아카이브] 그리고 모든 증오가 시작되는 곳
Author: 비솔티
265+ Chapters (Ongoing)
1,110,000+ Total Words