In 2018, a wave of jealousy and greed overcame the United States of America. Violence erupted, becoming increasingly more devastating as it did, until every citizen had either fled or been killed. In a last ditch effort, the country's greatest minds came together to salvage the Land of Opportunity. A new generation rose in place of the previous. The members of this new generation, the Successors, were free of bad intention. Emlyn Beaufort is a nineteen year old living in Los Angeles, California. In 2117, every day is the same as the last. People live as if they have never known an older America. Any reminder of what the country used to be is instantly eliminated, until one by the name of Tan Carlyle makes himself present. Tan and Emlyn are instantly intrigued by one another, and their contrasting backgrounds provide an allure neither have ever experienced. Both are pitched into an endless tangle of excitement and conflict, where the familiar becomes strange, and the strange becomes all too familiar.Todos os Direitos Reservados
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