Star Trek: Equestria: Starfleet Academy Season 1
  • Reads 52
  • Votes 0
  • Parts 29
  • Time 10h 42m
  • Reads 52
  • Votes 0
  • Parts 29
  • Time 10h 42m
Ongoing, First published Jun 21, 2019
In the year 2152, the United Equis had launched it's first ship. Since that time it has developed warp drive technology, made first contact with alien species, and has joined the United Federation Of Planets. Now, in 2252, 100 years after the launch of the Equis, UE's first space craft, it's time for Equis to send its first cadets to Starfleet Academy on earth...

Join Jessica Cosmos, her twin brother Luke, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Rara Coloratura, and their dragon assistant Spike as they go through starfleet academy and learn just what it means to be a friend on top of being an officer

This is based on my STO, discovery starfleet human character. this will follow her adventures, plus, love is in bloom because I ship like crazy and can't help myself.



Changes made in this AU:

Set in STO timeline with MLP's musical element(because you can't have MLP without songs apparently), Starfleet discovery character

Everything pre season 9 happened, even twilight's ascension and spike's scale shedding ordeal, but twilight doesn't become a princess and the golden oaks library was never destroyed, and all those friendship missions were from celestia. And the school of friendship doesn't exist, and in the movie, the 3 princesses and not twilight put on the friendship festival, twilight and her friends just helped set it up and then did their hero thing.

After all the EQG movies, Sunset moves back to Equestria permanently

AJ's friend Rara gave up her life as a singer to be with Applejack.

Most of the inhabitants of Equuis are one.

Moondancer is Twilight's twin sister. Why? Because Moondancer is basically a copy of Twilight from what I've seen.

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The Barbie Adventure: Barbie in the Nutcracker

12 parts Complete

I saw that they have these with the ponies so I did it with the humans. Anyways. So Pinkie Pie has begun her annual "Barbie movie marathon" campaign, and since Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle aren't familiar with this, they convince the rest of the group to just try it and see how it goes. However, when Pinkie slides in the DVD for the first film, "Barbie in the Nutcracker," and the movie starts playing, their geodes link with the movie by magic, and they get slurped into the silver screen. In the world of Clara and the Nutcracker, the Equestria Girls have to go with Clara to find the Sugar Plum Princess to help get them back home. However, the characters in the movie are not only astounded that the girls possess magical qualities, but even start to suspect that one of them could secretly be the Sugar Plum Princess (much to Sunset, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack's dismay). And not only are suspicions rising, they have to fend off the Mouse King and his army, who feel that the Equestria Girls are a bigger threat than Clara and the gang. Can the group find the true Sugar Plum Princess and get everyone back to where they belong, Clara back at her estate and the Equestria Girls out of the movie? You'll have to read to find out. Disclaimer: The Equestria Girls belong to Hasbro. "Barbie in the Nutcracker" belongs to Mattel. Some of the dialogue came straight from the movie, so yeah. I don't own any of this. ACHIEVEMENTS: #1 in "fluttershy" (3/30/24) #1 in "applejack" (3/30/24) #1 in "pinkiepie" (3/30/24)