This is a collection of the poetry that I have written and been writing since around about October 2018. Naturally, not every poem has been of a decent enough standard to be included here, but the ones that have been included are the ones that I like the best, for a variety of reasons. Though it is simply a matter of my own personal taste, I am not so conceited as to claim that they are works of genius, and can recognise that I still have a lot of improvement to make to my writing. Please don't expect a masterpiece.
Every single one of these poems is based in reality, meaning that no matter how fantastical or absurd they might seem, they all include a modicum of truth in them as relates to my own experiences. Many of the poems are inspired by people that I know or have known and many of them take stylistic inspiration from poets and poetry that I admire. A lot of the poetry in this anthology is based on subjects that fascinate and affect me personally. One rather prominent example of this would be the subject of Love. Another would be People. I try to relate the world as I see it through the poetic medium, writing of only the things that I know, can comprehend or imagine. Thus, every poem here, regardless of quality, is highly personal to me.
I can only hope that while the poems are about my own unique and individual experiences, emotions, thoughts, perceptions and so on, they remain accessible and maybe even enjoyable to others. To quote Martin Amis, "Every writer hopes or boldly assumes that his life is in some sense exemplary, that the particular will turn out to be universal".
Any opinions are appreciated.
Écrire est pour moi une manière de me libérer l'esprit.
Cela ne fait pas longtemps que j'ai commencé ne soyez pas surpris si les rimes peuvent manquer.
Cependant, les poèmes et les haïkus n'ont pas besoin de rimer ni de sonner juste.
J'espère vous revoir dans vous émouvoir et vous revoir en commentaire.