Follow three girls on their journey through Westeros, or Essos. With their tales of love, betrayal and even death. Tymaera Targaryen, half sister to Daenerys and Viserys Targaryen. Born a dragon, with fire in her blood, though the flames terrify her. Lyarra Stark, eldest daughter of Lord Eddard Stark and Lady Catelyn Stark. She looks like a fish, but has the bite of a wolf. Tyanna Baratheon, eldest daughter of Cersei Lannister and Robert Baratheon. A stag masquerading as a lion, who has dreams she doesnt quite understand. Who will they have to become to survive this Game of Thrones? Disclaimer: I do not own anything around or about the Game of Thrones. That belongs to George R.R. Martin and whomever else. I just have claim over my characters and any of their individual plots. I also do not own any images that may or may not appear in this story.