I could smell him before I saw him. Descending those stairs in that dress that left me speechless. His ocean eyes bright behind that mask. His lips a deep pink that made me shiver. The second he was down on the grand floor the next song played, my mating song. I watched as he slowly turned and danced alone, his scent growing stronger the closer he got and the more he danced. I couldn't resist as I peered behind his small, curvaceous body and placed my hands on his hips. He leaned into my touch as we began to dance together. His breath left me breathless. His touch left me numb. His heart beat stopped mine. And from that moment I learned that my lover, my mate, was this unknown prince in a beautiful gown dancing with me to the song reserved for my true mate. - Harry is a Spanish royal King and Louis is a future Queen of Harry's family's most hated country, France. They can't seem to understand one another, but their love was not misunderstood. All rights reserved to me boo 😗✌🏽