have you ever thought of your life like a piece of Dust. well I have? when God creates you in heaven you are made out of dust. when you get the first breath of air it's the starting of your life as you know it. a piece of dust travels and when you start your life and then it goes on by so fast like a piece of dust floating from place to place. only if your life can go slower the faster the dust will find its place to rest so you can find your place to start your life. we all know that if every piece of dust. is your own life you could live longer and have as many pieces of dust as you can live. if our life's went slower we would have so many memories to capture in our minds of a short life. what I'm trying to say is live your life a good life don't go on stress just keep it like a piece of dust and keep flowing in the wind and keep it good. when you meet that last piece of dust of your life know that the wind will be there to pick you off your feet.