Alice McNeely is going to die. I know what you're thinking. Duh, everyone dies. But I didn't mean eventually she is going to die. I mean sixteen year old Irish teen Alice McNeely is going to die, and soon.
In Mayan Mythology dogs help people get to the underworld.
Alice has been followed by a black dog for three days now. It has been pretty much stalking her nonstop. everywhere she looks this dog has been. In school, at work, and at home. But somehow only she could see it. On day four Alice decides to Google why the hell this dog was following her. She was never expecting to find this. This dog was her warning that she was going to die. She was gonna die soon.
Alice quickly came to terms with her mortality. She started to make amends with her friends and family. And they noticed. Her mother confronted her one day asking why Alice was acting like she was gonna die or something. Alice told her. Her mother was skeptical until she had a dream about how Alice was going to die.
Alice confided in her friends Dana, Cayte, Damien and Brendon they knew they had to do something about it. They joined her mom and tried anyway possible to help Alice. but they only made matters worse.
Can Alice fix their mistakes before it's too late?
Cover creds: @MKB_333