22 parts Complete MatureMale prostitution is the act or practice of men providing sexual services, usually to other men, in return for payment. Male prostitutes are known by various names and euphemisms including male escorts, GIGOLOS, rent-boys, hustlers, models or masseurs. The term "rentboy" may be derived from the boys "renting" themselves out. A man who does not regard himself as gay, but who is prepared to have sex with male clients for money, is sometimes called "gay for pay" or "rough trade." Male prostitutes offering services to female customers are sometimes known as "gigolos." Clients, especially those who pick up prostitutes on the street or in bars, are sometimes called "johns" or "tricks." Those working in prostitution, especially street prostitutes, sometimes refer to the act of prostitution as "turning tricks."
This is a fictitious account of events about a group of Gigolos. I hope that you keep an open mind and take a few notes. Also, remember this story is fiction, but some of the events and locations are factual. I hope you enjoy and please COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT! SHARE! SUBSCRIBE! So, without further ado, get out your wallets and paychecks! It is time to pay the piper! GIGOLOS-SOUTH BEACH begins!